I will buy your vintage guitar or bass.
One piece or entire collections.
Some examples: Gibson (Les Paul Standard, Custom, Goldtop, Junior, Classic Special, SG, Explorer, Flying V, ES-335, ES-330, ES-175, ES-125, J-45, J-50, Dove, Hummingbird, SJ, J-200, Melody Maker, Firebird), Fender (Stratocaster, Telecaster, Jaguar, Jazzmaster, Precision Bass, Jazz Bass, Mustang.
Esquire), Martin, Rickenbacker, Gretsch, Steinberger, Paul Reed Smith, and more.
I am also looking for small tube amps, effect pedals, and vintage guitar parts.
Please email if you have anything like this for sale.
I pay cash and can meet you at the destination of your choice.